Theremin Controlled Effect Question

Started by Inventor, September 28, 2008, 01:10:46 AM

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Hello stompbox enthusiasts!  I am constructing a guitar-mounted effect with a Theremin circuit that clocks a delay line.  I have prototyped the effect in software using the ChucK programming language and it sounds really cool to me.  What I'm doing is I have a square wave oscillator with a Theremin antenna for the frequency control capacitor.  This produces a clock that runs at 25 kHz nominally and goes down to 15 kHz or so when you move your hand over it.  Then I plan to clock a MN3209 Bucket Brigade Device with negative feedback of about -0.95 gain.  This works great in software and I have tested it in a real physical guitar setup. 

My main question is:  what type of effect have I created?  It's a variable something or other, but I don't know what.  Is it a flanger or a reverb or an echo?  I'd also like to know if there are any Bucket Brigade Devices that are in current production so I don't have to use this discontinued part (MN3209) in future prototypes.  Also, should I add instead of subtract the feedback signal?  Does that really matter at all in this case because of the delay?  I'd also like to know the question to the answer of life, the universe, and everything, which as you know is 42.  I don't ask for much, do I?  Happy stompboxing and thank you Mr. Theremin!