Just a friendly reminder...

Started by gutsofgold, October 25, 2008, 07:16:44 PM

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It's rain season in a lot of areas and that means inevitable basement flooding. I just came home to my entire work area under water.  :icon_cry: Nothing was untouched, and I'm 20 living on my own so insurance is out of the question. I guess I'll just have to hope that everything makes it out alive after a few days of drying. A pipe must have been blocked up or something because most of the water came from the floor above me. I'm mostly worried about the two amps on my workbench. Will the transformers or caps absorb water and be completely shot? Tell me there's hope  :icon_confused:


Thanks. I blow dried the amps the best I could with a heat gun on low setting. My most favorite Peavey bass head was on the ground and completely submerged so that one really needs to be dried.  I'll wait a week or so to power it up again. I definitely lost my brand new multimeter in this fiasco and my soldering iron needs to be taken apart and air dried. Tools are a little rusty but I'll work  them in again. And only time will tell if any transistors, ICs, other sensitive devices made it out alive.

Der Groovemeister

Oh man, that sounds horrible! :icon_eek: Worst nightmare!
Hope you can get everything to work again. Good luck!!!!
"What do you mean, dynamics? I'm already playing as loud as i can!"


For smaller items that get soaked -

put them in a ziplock bag and fill the rest of the bag with rice.

the rice absorbs the moisure


1. Go to a hardware/home improvement store and get a sheet of 1/2" plastic foam insulation for a few $.
2. Use tape to make a box around the damp stuff. Cut an input hole and punch small holes for vents.
3. Use a hair dryer to blow hot, drying air into the box. Make sure it can run freely or the hair dryer will overheat and stop.
4. Run for up to a couple of days. This will dry them out.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Oh bummer, watch out for mold, it'll grow everywhere that isn't dried immediately.  Use a dilute bleach/water solution to decontaminate your floors and everything else that got wet.  Anything made of cardboard, paper should be sent to the trash.  This happened to me and it was a nightmare...


Builts completed: Tweak-O, Fuzz Face Si and Ge, Rangemaster,Fuzzrite Si & Ge, Bazz Fuzz, L'il Devil Fuzz, Bosstone one knober, Bosstone Sustainer, Cream Pie, Kay Fuzztone. http://www.myspace.com/chrisdarlington


Use tons of AIR...warm is best (see R.G.'s above).  You can rent a blower fairly cheaply with a wide dryer vent style hose (about 10" or 12"dia.), force air thru the place, and leave a back window open.  The bleach and water is good in my experience, but believe it or not simple household cleaners work better (something about the water not allowing the bleach penetrate the surface, I heard it on the Science Channel...).  Hopefully you can get it dried out quickly and not give any mold a chance to get started!
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...