Have I screwd up or is there a mistake on this layout?

Started by jpm83, October 30, 2008, 11:59:58 AM

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I've just built this stomper.

Is there some sort of mistake on the layout in SWTC part because it doesn't seem to effect to the tone at all? I've checked all of the connections and the pot and traces for solder bridges and so on and haven't find any cold connections or crossing wires etc. I was thinking that is that C10 value too small, because Mark Hammer is suggesting 18nf cap in here to be used. http://hammer.ampage.org/files/SWTC.gif


Mark Hammer

I can't see anything immediately wrong with the layout, though I can see a few spots where the novice builder might get themselves into trouble with solder bridges and such.

C10 is a matter of taste and suitability to your guitar and speakers.  Personally, I would find .0033 too low a value to be able to provide much audible treble rolloff in my rig.  Do try .015 or .018 and see where that takes you.  You may even find that .022 works better for your purposes.  Happily, the layout is not so cramped that you can't fit a variety of caps in that spot.  I would also add that the control, in general, is not an in-your-face tonal change.


Thanks for the reply. I will try those bigger value caps and see where it takes me.
