any thoughts on this fuzzrite layout?

Started by sixstringphil, November 01, 2008, 01:23:46 PM

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This is only the second layout I've designed, so I'd love to hear some feedback, especially some things you might do differently. I built one with dragonfly's layout (the really cool curvy one), but I wanted to make one for some larger parts (silly mojo stuff :icon_wink:.) Thanks for taking time to look it over!





why dont you put lug 3 of the 350k pot 3 holes to the left of the 9v connection instead of to the right? I think it would be easier to bend the lead with this setup, as putting the lead between the connection of c3 and 470k might be difficult to do without shorting.

Also, the pot would have straighter wires


Note that the original transistors would have had low hFE (by modern standards).
Try devices with hFE around 150.
And that's another chance to "plug" one of my favourite devices for older circuits such as this: the BD139.  (observe the unusual pinout)
IMO this is an underappreciated circuit.  It's a cracker!
Have a good day
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


Thanks for the comments. I see what you're saying about Lug 3. If I do a PCB, it would probably be okay, but perfboard might definitely be close to shorting. The transistors I was going to use are 2N2219A's in metal cans. But the gain is a little high, 235-240.


you'll get quite a different sound with high hFE devices.  The circuit is very sensitive to hFE.  If possible try some devices with 100, 150, maybe 200.  Respectively, those might be a 2N2369A or MJE3055, BD139 or a TIP, and an old 2N3904 or a 2N2222A.  Mid to high power devices are excellent for simulating old small signal devices because of their lower hFE, lower Ft, high capacitance, etc.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)