Rebote repeat issues

Started by Branimir, December 15, 2008, 08:53:25 PM

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So far I have used a couple of delays and built only one... The Rebote 2.5.

First I used a Deluxe Memory Man (EHX not a diy one)- it's the real thing, BBD's and sets a benchmark of some sort for other delays
Later I bought a Biyang Delay ( , it's a PT2399 based delay that has SA571 also, the PCB is SMT.
And finally I built the Rebote 2.5, since the modulation from DMM was something that I really didn't need, and the Biyang was really nice sounding pedal so I thought another PT2399 based pedal would sound virtually the same..

And I was wrong. The Biyang mimics the analog delays much better than the Rebote, but the endless repeats/oscillation sounds bad with both pedals, that is - it sound quite different then with the DMM or other BBD based delays. But I don't mind it, it don't use that function often...  ;)

So the question:

What I don't like with the Rebote is the delays, they are sort of "analogue" sounding, treble cutted and all but they seem to be quite unnoticable unlike the Biyang (or DMM).

Imagine having repeats set to 3 o'clock and mix knob all the way and you pluck a string and the first repeat is somewhat loud and the second one is quieter than the first one and so the repeats fade in volume with each next repeat. With the Biyang or DMM I noticed the repeats to have much more volume and gradually fade out later than the Rebote repeats. Is the SA571 having something to do with that or?

Is there anyone understanding what I'm trying to say here? Heh, or I'm just imagining things...

Built: Fuzz Face, Small Stone, Trem Lune, Fet Muff, Big Muff (green), Fuxx Face, Son of Screamer, Rat, Rebote 2.5, Opamp Big Muff, EA Tremolo, Easyvibe, Axis Face Si

Auke Haarsma

Check the PT-80 project over at GGG, it uses both the PT2399 and a SA571 compander. It is said that the compander adds to the 'analogue-ness' of the sound.

And the gradually fading of repeats seems a fine-tune issue. If you want you can pretty much get a for ever lasting clean repeat at the same volume. Check the schematic for the resistor that sets the delay-level (iirc it is in series with the delay level pot).