Doh - a NPN and a PNP ge transistor!

Started by timmyo, December 16, 2008, 12:19:12 PM

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I thought I was ordering a juicy pair of Ge trannies that I could use for a FF - but it turns out I didn't do my homework, and I have a PNP and NPN "pair" (AC187 and AC188).

A quick read around (shoulda done this first, right? lol ) reveals the 188 to be potentially good for a FF : if I pair it with a Si which would go best where (or just try them and see?)


Hi, you can't mix PNP and NPN in a FF.

PNP FF requires +ve earth, NPN requires -ve earth.

Best bet is to get one more of each tranny, then you could build both versions.

If you're going to use a Si with the 188, I would use the Ge for Q1,the Si for Q2 - or use tranny sockets, that way you can experiment a bit.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


I knwo I know - I was asking how to best pair one of these with a Si device of the right polarity - Ge as Q1, or Q2, or no set rule?

I appreciate your help though - always best to assume I know nothing, as it's mostly correct  ;D

John Lyons

Take a look at Joe Gagan's "Easy Face" it has a Si in Q1 and a Ge in Q2.
Most of the Ge goodness is happening in Q2 in a fuzz face anyway...


Basic Audio Pedals


Quote from: John Lyons on December 16, 2008, 02:00:00 PM
Most of the Ge goodness is happening in Q2 in a fuzz face anyway...

Excellent - I'll try that first then - thanks.  :icon_biggrin: