looking for specific lead bending tool

Started by zeeman, January 01, 2009, 10:24:13 PM

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I want to mount my resistors in a vertical fashion but its kind of a pain because the resistors keep falling out as I try to solder them.

I am looking for specific lead bending tool that will put a kink in the resistor lead so that the resistor would clip (for lack of a better word) onto the PCB.

A perfect example of this kink can be seen in some of the older Boss pedals (see pic below - note the kink in the resistor leads).

Does anyone know where I can get a tool to make the kink?

Thanks in advance.



I wouldn't be surprised if those kinks are caused by leads that were bent out a little bit on the solder side slipping back through before soldering. They may also have been caused by some large soldering machine which would be a bit of overkill for diy projects.

I usually just bend the leads out a bit and that holds the part in place while I solder.


i think there are resistors that are sold in that fashoin, but as for me i just plug all them resistors and put masking tape over them to hold.
Look at it this way- everyone rags on air guitar here because everyone can play guitar.  If we were on a lawn mower forum, air guitar would be okay and they would ridicule air mowing.

Dai H.

yeah I think they are just made, sold like that, pre-bent, -kinked, -coated. I have some packs of cheap carbon film I found surplus that are in that state already. You could try putting a kink where the resistor comes out the hole if you don't want them to fall out when the board is upside down. Simple enough. Put lead through, bend. Repeat, etc.(or bend over, then cut the extra lead length).


It looks like a very easy job for a professional toolmaker. Perhaps you can have someone modify a set of pliers for you?
In fact there are other flavours of nerd that would be more apropriate to answer your question. Someone into DIY CNC, metalworking...
Many tools are made locally or in small series. A common tool for shaping and cutting leads is variocut, but it doesn't do kinks or 180o AFAIK.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Somewhere - though I can't find it at the moment - I have a hand tool that does exactly that.
Or SHOULD, I never managed to get it going.. so I know they exist! Or used to (it was from Italy from memory).
Though now I think about it, the bend is to keep the component a fixed distance from the PCB, not to stop it falling out!

And yes, components can be bought pre-bent that way, I have a tape here with 2,000 IN4004s to prove it  :icon_wink:



UK supplier though.

Or it's made by Piergiacomi Sud, their part number PNG-5000.

I have the side cutters from the same range which are excellent.


  Bend the leads a touch wider than the distance between the two holes, pinch over the long lead toward the body of the R, having the lead bent over to one side makes it easy to push the copper/copper/soldering iron tip into heat conduction.
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