Shielding wires to get rid of oscillation.

Started by syndromet, January 13, 2009, 01:40:49 AM

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Hi. I recently build a AX84 High Octane, and somehow i managed to mirror the front panel. That means that the wire from the input jack to the first tube is way to long, and passes close to the PT as well as crossing the OT wires. It also runs close to the other preamp tube. This, of course, makes the amp oscillate when running it with two 12AX7's at higher gain settings. I tried moving the wire around with a chopstick, but couldn't find anywhere to place it to get rid of the noise.  I was therefor wondering if it would help at all trying to wrap the wire with aluminiumfoil to reduce this? Anyone tried something like this? Any other good ideas?

I posted this here since it probably can be useful for stompboxes too. Moderators, feel free to move it to the of-topic section if you feel like it.
Here is a pic of the wonder:
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It's definitely worth shielding the input cable, but I would probably just go buy some RG-174 and replace the input wire with that, since it has a nice braided shield.  Of course, you could do it with foil, just remember to run a ground to it.
Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige

petemoore a HV amp ?
  Cant' say's I generaly recommend it.
  Get some shielded/insulated wire instead.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Man, I don't know why I haven't thought about RG-174 cables before. Thats the regular coax-cable, right? I have several meters of it, and i ended up gutting the phono cables in my Hi-fi to get some shielded cable. I'll try RG-174, and let you know how it turns out.
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