Effect order switcher for putting two overdrives in the same box.

Started by svstee, January 15, 2009, 10:43:54 PM

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OK, I recently built a Valvecaster and a Fulltone fat boost clone, and would really like to put them in the same enclosure, mostly to save room on my board, but also because I haven't done anything like that yet and it sounds like fun. Anyways, the problem is that running the Valvecaster into the Fulltone sounds good, but it sounds just as good (just different) the other way around.

Therfore, I need some way of switching effect order between wto units in in the same enclosure. I can't seem to think of the best way, any ideas? Thanks!


At geofex ( link above ) there is a circuit named "The Juggler"...


This'll do it - you only need a 3PDT switch. Unless you want LED indication of the order, of course.



Quote from: Andi on January 16, 2009, 04:04:29 AM
This'll do it - you only need a 3PDT switch. Unless you want LED indication of the order, of course.


That's gooood! I was almost 100% sure it's not doable with 3PDT, glad to be proven wrong ;D
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