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Old Vox Wah

Started by Marco Pancaldi, May 02, 2005, 12:20:10 AM

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Marco Pancaldi

I've found a very damaged Vox wah, and I'm trying define his age before to try to repair it. On the metal base it has only
"VOX wah wah"
"SN 24887"
and the normal "disconnect jack to save batteries" warning.
Into the box I've found a mexico hotpotz pot, round brown TDK inductor (Faselcopy style) and the "famous" tropical fish caps and Ducati 4uF NP electro.
Someone is able to date this pedal?

At this moment the pedal is dead, and I desoldered the inductor to verify it in a modern crybaby before any attempt to repair and restore.
Compared to the modern dunlop inductor, the old inductor tone is more round, with less presence and peak. I mesured the resistance on the TDK: 117 ohm. Maybe the reduced peak is due to the high resistance?
Comparing to other "classic" wah inductors the value is very big... maybe the bobbin is defective or damaged.

Any info welcome, thanks all



After 4 years.....

Did you ever repaired this pedal?

Recently I did a complete restoration of an old Jen Italian Crybaby.