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Blend Box

Started by bassplaya12, January 03, 2009, 11:56:57 PM

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Ive heard some people talking about a blend box.  It blends in some dry signal.  They say this comes in especially handy with bass players like myself because it gives back the bottom end that you loose with some pedals.  Anyone know where i can find a schematic?  Preferably veroboard layout but ill take whatever i can get.  Would this be difficult to build?  Thanks


I remember someone making one and marketing it for use with the whammy........


I'm too wiped by holiday travel to give a detailed reply right now, but search this forum and/or Google for these circuits in the mean time:

  • Bass Paralooper / Bass Thru
  • ROG Splitter-Blend
  • B. Blender / 90% B. Blender
  • Buff 'n' Blend

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


if you search mini-blender, or blendimum in the layouts, you will find a small, quick build
freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4


Thanks guys.  Anyone happen to find a veroboard layout? Or is anyone patient enough to help me understand how to convert a PCB layout to veroboard?


This looks like what i want but i dont know how to convert the layouts to a stripboard


sean k
I'm not sure if you have the setup for testing stuff that alot of people use, I can't remember what it's called at the moment. Breadboard, thats it. Well the way a bread board works is very similar to how you would design a veroboard with the added bonus of being able to cut traces. But if you were to go straight to veroboard design then I suppose some math paper would be the easiest way.

Any design work is just about getting a certain way of thinking going on in your head. I've always gone straight from schematic to PCB because I enjoy that specific way of thinking. Veroboard is yet another way of thinking through logical sequences.
With this particular opamp design in mind you have four grouping that intermingle and interact. The power supply, which is three of those, 9V, 4.5V and 0V, and the signal itself. The signal interacts with 4.5V and 0V.
Once you have all these groupings laid out then you tranfer those groupings to the connectors which are the resistors, semi conductors etc and the strips. It's a matter of sketching things out until you have something that works.
Monkey see, monkey do.


Could i order a PCB for a circuit like this from like tonepad or GGG?  Ill have to learn more about schematics and electronics in general before i convert layouts to a vero board i think


The paraloop and B.Blender are heavy on components. A lot of them unnecessary and even more that can be traded off with only losses of impedance... + the paralooper schematic has caps oriented the wrong way (C1,C6 for a starter)

From this homepage.

That's the thing for you I think.

Check in the for sale area. John Lyons is doing PCB's on request.
This is the daddy of the miniblend. With a PCB layout by gaussmarkov. I don't think Tonepad or GGG has any equivalent cirquit.


I just ran across this and i think its exactly what i want.  Does anyone know what ICs should be used?  Also im not sure how to connect the external things such as the send and return and the pots.  Sorry, im sort of a noob ???


Quote from: bassplaya12 on January 04, 2009, 07:22:03 PM

I just ran across this and i think its exactly what i want.  Does anyone know what ICs should be used?  Also im not sure how to connect the external things such as the send and return and the pots.  Sorry, im sort of a noob ???

For IC's TL072 or equivalent Dual Op-amp should work.

For Jacks: In, out, send, recieve... will all connect to the tip of that jack (from the vero). The sleeve of all of these will connect together and then to ground.

For Pots: Turn the pot upside down (the part you turn facing away from you), the lugs on the pot are now 3 2 1 left to right.

A lot of this stuff is answered in the FAQ here:

I would read this top to bottom. There is a wealth of information here for when you're just starting out. Good luck!


Thanks for your help! Very helpful and informative.  ;D 


I took a break and built some other pedals but i think i want to take another crack at this.  I liked moosapotamus' layout but I also found the splitter bender and ROG.  Im not sure what the in and out of phase thing does though.  I really just want to blend in a dry signal from my amp so that i retain more bass (bass player ;D).  Which should I try? THanks


That depends on what effect you want to blend your clean signal with :). Some effects invert the phase of your signal. What this means is that when your clean signal is in a positive cycle, the effected signal would be in the negative cycle, and they would effectively cancel each other out. The phase signal flips the phase of the signal 180 degrees to match it up with a phase inverting effect.

If you plan on using the same circuit all time with your blender, you could post that here and find out if it inverts it's signal or not; and whether you'll need the phase switch or not.

Otherwise for maximum compatibility, the phase switch is not a bad feature to have.



 :icon_redface: I did not know that. Can I blend a dry signal through all of my pedal chain?


Sure can.

But for something like that I would DEFINITELY use a  blender with a phase switch.


So the layout at ROG would be recommended?  :icon_lol:


I don't have any experience with it but plenty of people around here seem to like it.


Thanks.  I think I will have to try said ROG Splitter Blender