Dr Boogey problems

Started by Psychemic, October 03, 2010, 06:15:28 PM

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I just built gaussmarkov's Dr Boogey and I'm having some problems with it. I do get sound and I have to say it sounds good! But one problem is that the presence pot is doing nothing. Anyone had a similar problem with that?

The second problem is with mids. When I turn the mid knob all the way to zero I get barely no mids (like it should be). After I turn up the mid knob just a little bit there's a little spot where I get LOTS of mids. After that little the mid knob seems to work normally.

Last question is that I have biased Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 to about  5.0V. Should the Q5 be about the same since mine is way more that that.

Here's a sound clip reamped with my Boogey using impulses. DI's and backing track taken from another forum.

Hopefully someone can help.



hmmm, I'd say double check your wiring from and to the presence pot.

Here's this just in case:  

Also, check if solder joints are broken or not on the PCB/perf, I had a couple of those because I used pre-tinned wire.  

Other than that, I don't know what else to say  :-[

I hope you can get your problem fixed, the presence knob is really good to have.

And nice job on that sound clip, that sounded amazing  :D

It makes me want to build a DB again...
Check out my guitar build at http://www.youtube.com/user/DUY1337GUITAR

I might not always be right, but I'm never wrong....


Dont mean to hijack the thread but I have been meaning to ask this about the Dr. Boogie.

How much do you lose overall by using other, more readily available, values for the Mids and Treble pots? I was thinking 20KB or 25KB for Mids and 200KA or 250KA for Treble. Would I lose a lot of the "range" by using these different values?

There are just not many of these "odd" values available to me...  ::)
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


Thanks for the reply DUY1337GUITAR!

Hmmm... I didn't wire the pots anything like that though.. I used this for wiring http://gaussmarkov.net/layouts/drboo/drboo-layout.png

Just to make sure I do have to wire from bass(2) to treble(2) and from mid(1) to presence(1) and volume(1) right?

Anyway I have to check my wiring tomorrow again.. Any thoughts about the mid pot?

And thanks for the sound clip compliments!


Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 03, 2010, 06:56:20 PM
Dont mean to hijack the thread but I have been meaning to ask this about the Dr. Boogie.

How much do you lose overall by using other, more readily available, values for the Mids and Treble pots? I was thinking 20KB or 25KB for Mids and 200KA or 250KA for Treble. Would I lose a lot of the "range" by using these different values?

There are just not many of these "odd" values available to me...  ::)

I used the values you mentioned and I'm completely satisfied on the mids and treble that was present. They allow a big tolerance with the way they manufacture most pots anyway.

Like what others had said, the only problem I had with my Dr. Boogie is bass pot. It's not as responsive as the other controls. I think this can be solved by tweaking some values on the tone control section.


I just can not get the bass right, really lets the pedal down in my opinion. It doesn't produce those huge bottom ends you hear on demos.
Lovely drive, good tones from the other controls but that bass is not good.