Question about octavers

Started by SanderNijland, February 19, 2009, 03:23:12 PM

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Small question.

Is it possible to make 2 octavers, and up and one down, and combine them in one that also lets the normal channel trough? Like a pog? (

Any idea's?

Mark Hammer


The Topopiccione clone of the old Pearl OC-7 is one such project.  Just keep in mind that while th clean is polyphonic, the octave-up will be only polyphonic-tolerant (as opposed to polyphonic-friendly) and the octave down will be monophonic.

The Tone God

I think the Pearl OC-7 (?) did something like that but it was fairly complicated and limited to single notes. The problem is not as much getting the octave but first getting clean octaves and then secondly octaves that handle multiple notes. The octave ups are not that difficult but most DIY down octaves are dirty and only handle one note.

If you are looking for a DIY version of a POG then sorry to tell you but there isn't one. The POG is digital thats why it is able to track and handle multiple notes. I tried the Micro POG recently and was quite impressed. In fact I think I am getting my first case of GAS in years because of it.



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