Inductors for a wah

Started by kamiwaza, February 27, 2009, 12:56:45 AM

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I'm building a Vox V847 wah as per Justin Philpott's schematic. I bought a 680uH "resistor-style" inductor. I'd never seen one before, it looks just like a little turquoise resistor, with bands denoting the rating. Does anyone have any experience with these?

I also have an inductor I bought years ago to repair a Jimi Hendrix wah, but never ended up doing. The inductor is a black cylinder with a white spot on top. It has 4 legs - two of the legs have continuity with each other, the other two have no continuity. Any ideas on how I should wire it?




The two leg that are connected make the coil. Use them. The other pair is just an extra pair. By the way i use The Whipple inductor, they are fine (eBay). 680mH is a bit too much to get a sharp "wah sound".  Did you mean mH or is it really 680uH (that wouldn't be enough)?


Thanks, that's what I thought about the JH inductor.

As for the resistor style, yes it is uH... I'm a dope. I was thinking it was such a find when I bought and in the back of my mind I was wondering how there could be so much induction in such a small package. Anyway I tried out both in the circuit - the JH inductor works just great; the resistor type is of course far too small to get any wah sound. I don't care though, the damn thing worked first time on perfboard and sounds way better than my old wah ever did! I'm just lucky I had that old inductor lying around ;D

Thanks again yeeshkul


I was  repairing a JH Wah some months ago and found there the smallest coil a have ever seen in that wah. It had a diameter of about a pencil and it was about 1 cm tall. Two legs. Together with not enough treddle swing, the wah was really crappy.