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Started by Inventor, March 26, 2009, 11:13:55 PM

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Someone on a guitar forum wanted to make some pedals, but expressed that he was a poor starving student with lots of time on his hands.  I thought about it and suggested that he could save lots of cash by building a FrankenPedal, one with five effects together on a single board.  This way he'd only need one power supply and could avoid the expense of separate enclosures, jacks, cables, etc. 

So my question to you is:  what are the possible drawbacks and gotchas that this person should avoid?  I'm a little bit concerned about crosstalk between circuits and methods of re-ordering the pedals (jumper wires?).  Your thoughts are welcome as always. 


Iron Code Monkey

Joe Hart

I think the general consensus is that you don't save money building your own pedals. With the exception of cloning vintage pedals, but then again, the money you save is lost by the effect you build not being a vintage pedal (read "collector's item"). I think his best bet would be buying some used BOSS pedals or something.
-Joe Hart


Quote from: Inventor on March 26, 2009, 11:13:55 PM
poor starving student with lots of time on his hands

Sounds like an ideal candidate for...a part-time job! That'll pay for gear!
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


I mostly build multiple circuits into one box, either a BB with two circuits or a DD w/three.  I've never had any trouble that required coupling between the circuits.  As for effects order, be aware that any boost or dirt that you put in front of another boost or dirt circuit will increase gain significantly, sometimes to the point of mush.  This may or may not be desireable. 

I tend to prefer putting boosts last, because, if I want something louder, I want it louder, not necessarily gainier.  Your friend's mileage may vary, of course.  Best course might be to build some circuits, throw them into makeshift boxes or plug them into A/B boxes, and let him try them out in various different order arrangements.  You could also use 4pdts to allow some to be flip flopped, if need be, but those are pricey switches. 

That general consensus on build cost only applies if you assume that you have nothing on hand, and have to buy soldering equipment, solder, wire, various tools, etc., along with the components to build a pedal.  If you've got some inventory and the tools and equipment on hand, you can build a simple boost pedal for $30, an AB for $20 or so, an OD for $35 or so, etc.  Don't tell me I don't save money building my own Eternity for $35, and adding a fat booster to the box for another $20.  I managed to "save" almost $1600 by building my own CJOD and "vintage" TS808, too!  ;-) 


Shoot, I thought this thread was gonna be about some kinda "monster" pedal, with bolts coming out of it's side...

"what are the possible drawbacks and gotchas that this person should avoid?" He should avoid this hobby if he wants to save money, lol... it aint cheap. Does he have any tools? Experience? Or is he starting from absolute scratch?

Quote from: m-theory on March 27, 2009, 01:41:48 PM
If you've got some inventory and the tools and equipment on hand, ...
That's a big if! And if you DON't have any of this stuff...