Favorite tubescreamer layout/build

Started by Captainobvious99, January 06, 2009, 03:45:08 PM

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After completing the next two pedals I am grabbing parts for (zombie chorus and Shaka Brada 5), I think I will tackle a tubescreamer. I'd like to get some opinions/recommendations for which tubescreamer design(s) are considered the best...
Picking sensitivity and clarity are a big plus. Our guitarist has an older Ibanez TS9 that is pretty nice, but has alot of hum and I'm sure could be improved upon.

Also, if you can provide a link to a layout for your recommendation that would be awesome too.


    JD Has boards, and kits !
  'Hum' isn't necessarily in the TS, it could be that PS 'hum' is being amplified by the TS or something at the input, when amplified makes existing hum noticable..could be something wrong with it, quite likely it's working right and the amplification is causing the hum level to multiply and be noticable.
  Other than that I just swapped in another diode [so now I have assymetric clipping, two Si diodes one way, one Si diode the other way]...and this is much of what comprises the various TS types...the diode or LED configuration.
  Recently reading here about 'opening up' the TS and greater output, I find the higher threshold voltage for the clipping did just that and I like it this way.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



I can recommend JD Sleeps tubescreamer layout - I etched my own board from it and its a great tubescreamer.

Nice in front of a good valve ( tube ) amp. 

No hum whatsoever if built correctly and no grounding errors/loops.



for vero/stripboard http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/album26/dynamic_overhype.gif.html  this clone of the landgraff dynamic overdrive is a good one. It gives a bit more variation on the  tubescreamer theme with the switched diodes and the layout fits into an mxr sized box fine.

I've also got the older GGG one and it was fine as well


I just finished a TS808 for a local player - I used THIS LAYOUT and it worked out right...I have a 5kB as tone and a 100kA as volume.

I played with it for an hour or so, it was my first time both building and playing a TS - I don't know how much I like it and how much I don't...
It has a good bluesy sound (SRV) with the right tone and gain settings and a Strat on neck pickup. It has an horrible trebly sound with gain and tone maxed and the bridge pickup. Like nails on a chalkboard... :icon_eek:

I think I like my DOD308 way more than this...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


never trust italians...  :P

unlike Adriano, I love my tubescreamer. it's the only distortion I use at present (together with my tube amp of course... IMHO tubescreamers suck big time on SSamps)
I made mine with JD's layout which fits (tight) in a B box.

actually the trebly thing Adriano pointed out is true on the stock TS... if you play single coil guitars I suggest you the FAT-mod or whatever it is called... the cap to Vr thing...
I switch it to "fat" when playing my jazzmaster and really makes the difference!
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.


Well, it's just a matter of personal tastes at the end, so I don't say it is that bad...Definitely not my cup of tea anyway, it's not the sound I'm after...I am quite happy about how it turned out but I wouldn't build one for myself.
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


I like runoffgrooves take on it, the tube reamer
I built it off this layout.
In all fairness I've never spent much time with the buffered versions, but ROG's sounds great to me!