Good booster for overdrive?

Started by obblitt, April 10, 2009, 02:12:00 AM

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I'm looking for a super simple, small, and loud booster to hit the front end of my current overdrive. It is my impression that you generally don't want to feed lots of bass into an IC, so I'm wondering what kind of booster I should build. I was thinking of building the AMZ mosfet booster, but I really don't know what to go with...


Amz booster (witch BS170) is cool to boost an Ovedrive , add a kind of little tube tone, very warm et sweet compared to my  LPB1.

The LPB1 is cool too, but more "in your face" , more "dreid" and it has more gain (mine has a Bc550).

Anyway both are cool to boost an OD or channel amp but they're different.


If you want to be able to vary the bass content of the boost I'd go for the Omega from runoffgroove.