anyone gonna tackle the new Stereo Flanger from BYOC????

Started by KorovaMilkBar, May 12, 2009, 03:16:56 AM

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Mark Hammer


Well, I finished breadboarding the circuit, and I think it sounds pretty good. A nice bread&butter flanger. Makes a good platform for some tweaking, I didn't like the sweep much stock, but I upped R46 a bit and it got smoother. I also want more regen, so I lowered R23. If I ever get around to veroing this it'll have a few more trimpots. Good to play around with, lots of other things I want to try. It's got nothing on the ADA, IMO, then again nothing really does.


Im not gonna bash BYOC its where I started building stuff. 1 of their 5 knob comps I put it all together and it worked great. I was expecting as my first build to have to go back and figure out what I had done wrong. I kept checking their site looking to see when their flanger was finally coming out. If it had come out sooner I would have gone with it instead of the ibanez I bought, just got tired of waiting. I may at some when I have the extra cash not delegated to another project buy their flanger and get rid of my ibanez. We will see. It was entertaining to read some of the posts on the BYOC thread listed here. 

Mark Hammer

There is nothing TO "bash".  However, BYOC started out providing exact clones of existing effects (hence the name), and more recently started adding features and attempting something beyond a mere copy.  Consequently, people are starting to expect BYOC products as something innovative, like DIY Keeley or Z-Vex products.  Viewed through that lens, I find nothing particularly special about this flanger that warrants jumping up and down about.  Its okay, does all the right things, and I'm happy that folks can have the pleasure of making their own flanger with a dependable commercial kit, instead of needing to have a drill press, hunt down parts, and take chances with their own PCB or layout.  It does the job, but it's not a big step forward from anything you could buy from Rocktek or any other bargain basement manufacturer.  That's no sin, just not an occasion for a ticker-tape parade (does such a thing even exist any more since ticker-tape machines have been replaced by those scrolling banner lines on financial TV shows?).  I'll leave it at that, and congratulate all current and prospective builders on the pleasure of making one's own flanger.