Looping signal back through circuit in stereo pedals

Started by mth5044, May 05, 2009, 10:54:44 PM

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I'm planning on building the digital reverb over at tonepad in the beginning of the summer. I was thinking, for some added fun, since the circuit appears to be two separate signals the whole way through, to take the modulated signal from the first input, send it back through the 2nd input, then sending the 2xmodulated signal to the second out.


Besides comments on if that will work or not, I'm trying to put a switching schem together in my head, preferably with only one switch. Is it as simple as taking the 1st out from the board to the center lug on an SPDT, one side go to the first out, the other go to the tip of the 2nd input jack (just because it's easier then putting two wires onto the PCB).

Also thinking about putting two separate mix controls for each in/out set, not sure how that will impact my switching ideas, but.. eh.

Sound like it will work? Forsight on problems? If anyone knows, it will be you fine group of people  :)



uuugh just drew up how it would be without the truebypass... now trying to draw it with the on/off truebypass... is this even possible  ??? :'(


What you said first would work perfectly fine. You could do it with your switching plan, but I might just use a DPDT switch just so you can DISABLE the second stereo input in case you might typically have something else plugged in. Going further, it might be a good idea to disable both the input and output of the second channel, route the signal through it from the first channel, then send it back to the unconnected first channel out. That was you can double the effect without unplugging wires, and it will also let you have two different channels plugged in and be able to override the second channel set up for your first channel doubling. My 2 cents.

If i understand what you were saying in the second part correctly, it's no trouble if you do the whole complex routing thing. Then you just wire it out normally - think of the whole circuit doubling switch and all that mess to be... well, to use math terms, in parentheses ( ). That big mess will still have an effect in/out for each channel coming out of it, and that's all you need to wire a true bypass set up.

I hope YOU can understand what I am saying - it's kind of hard to visualize.


I think I get what you are saying. Thanks a lot!


I think this will work, signal wise. Atleast following through the wires makes sense. Not sure about the pops and whatnot. Guess I should look into the Millenium bypass for the LED.. hopefully that works for 4DPT  :)

EDIT: seems picture isn't working, guess I'll have to try again later.