Parts going bad: how often?

Started by Bucksears, May 13, 2009, 11:34:08 AM

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I just rewired my BSIAB II to try and reduce the noise, but a funny thing happened: the tone pot noticeably reduces the volume when I roll off the the highs. I was using a new 100k-lin pot, but didn't have this issue with the other one.
I've reused pots many times over, but now I'm (probably paranoid) wondering if I'm using all bad parts due to desoldering/resoldering.

I'm wondering now about the parts on the board - from soldering new wires to the board, am I damaging the existing parts (pots/caps/resistors)? I always pull the transistors before I start soldering anything because I use sockets, so I'm not worried about those.
I'm about to scrap all of the pots I've used, plus the existing BSIAB II board I built.

Does this sound too OCD, or do others feel this way?


Paul Marossy

I have definitely experienced a pot going bad from too much soldering & desoldering, they seem to go open or the taper gets screwed up somehow. I just went thru this when I recently revisited a few older builds...


Thanks, Paul.
I'm not desoldering the board-level stuff much at all after the build is in place, but I do replace the wiring and that worries me that the board components are getting hit with heat.

My 'finished' pedals work fine, but the one or two builds I'm always messing with (BMP, BSIAB II, Dr. Boogey) seem to have the most quirks.


I've had problems with the Alpha 24mm's going bad after reusing them a few times in amps. Makes me think I'm probably going to "upgrade" to a better pot for amp builds. But any electromechanical component with moving parts will be prone to "wearing out", eventually if not sooner.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  I think it's about like that, stuff may get in the slot too.
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