tremulus lune questions

Started by ParlorCitySound, June 15, 2009, 10:26:40 PM

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I'm building a tremulus lune per the tonepad layout/schematic and I've come across a few things.

In regards to the pdf: the layout (with parts placed on the traces) shows the "smooth" pot to be 100k, while the parts list calls for 2 500k, and no 100k. Which is correct?

Also, I purchased the trim pot (one of each value (25k and 100k)). The layout shows the hashes on the trim pot on the bottom of the board, however; my trim pot orients itself to be upside down (as it fits only one way because the legs are in a triangle shape).

*here is a link to the tonepad pdf.


Just install the trimpot the way it will fit, and it should be fine.  As far as the pot values goes, check out the commonsound site and look at the schematics there.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


I used a 500k for smoothness, as per the schematic.