Diode switching on a Rat; rotary switch and asymmetrical clipping questions

Started by trotskyismyniece, June 13, 2009, 10:13:11 PM

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So I'm planning to do GGG's Rodent, and I want to add the diode switching as seen in the BYOC mouse.  The thing is the mouse uses a 2 pole switch, and it seems like small bear only has single pole throw switches if I wanted to do up to 6 switching options.  Looking at the schematic the clipping diodes are wired in parallel, so I'm assuming that they don't need to have separate poles.  I could just wire them parallel and both occupy one lug, right?  in that case I could just use the 1 pole switch.

I also had a question about asymmetrical clipping.  Does it matter which way the diodes are oriented?  Should the pair of diodes facing the same direction be oriented so that the positive end is pointing to the ground, or towards the input?  Finally, when I'm selecting asymmetrical clipping do I have to use a mix of SI and Ge diodes?  I've seen a lot of people do asymmetrical switching for this mod using one SI and two GE, but that was using SPST switches.

For example

1N914/1N914 1:2
1N914/1N34a 1:2
1N34a/1N34a 1:2
1N34a/1N914 1:2

I guess I could do all kinds of asymmetrical combinations with the LEDs too.  Although, if the differences are really subtle is it worth going through all the trouble to have like a dozen kinds of different assymmetrical clipping?  I'm not really familiar with different types of clipping and how different combinations of different diodes would work.


Jim Rodgers