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Wah clips badly.

Started by mcasey1, July 24, 2009, 09:49:12 PM

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Into a clean amp my wah is producing a bad clip at all heel positions when playing somewhat forcefully.  Transistor gains are nice and low.  It is a BYOC board with a Whipple inductor and an IC buffer.  Have no idea what is happening and it has been bothering me for a while.  Any suggestions on what to try?




Debugging: What to do when it doesn't work.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

Paul Marossy

It sounds like your circuit is distorting somewhere. Your transistors might be low gain types, but are you sure that you used the correct resistor values everywhere? You must have made a mistake somewhere.

An audio probe might be helpful in determining where it's happening.

Joe Hart

I could be way wrong, but my Vox Wah (with mods) was clipping right around the mid travel (the "wah" part) but I likd everything else about the tone, so I figured I would just leave it.  Then I was switching some parts for older "mojo" types (I know, I know... but I just wanted to see if thre was any changes at all).  Every time I exchanged a resistor, I plugged it in and tested it out and noticed no changes.  Then I changed the "box" type caps for old polystyrene caps (pretty much the same values -- I mean within tolerances) and the distortion all but went away.  So could the cap types be responsible?  But as I stated, I could be wrong.  It may just have been slight value changes.
-Joe Hart

Paul Marossy

I thought about the caps being a possibility, but I wasn't real sure about that. I would think that it shouldn't matter what type of cap it is. If it's a factor, it's a small one.

Another possibility is that the transistor gain(s) are too low. It's just not amplifying the signal enough and is clipping the signal. In fact, that is the theory I am going with at this point.

Did you socket those transistors? I always do on a wah pedal build for these very reasons.