Danelectric Daddy-0 Mod

Started by SilverSurfer, July 30, 2009, 03:44:57 PM

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To All,

I have a daddy-o pedal and I want to add a jfet boost in the circuit.  Do you have any ideas where I could place the small circuit?  I have three ideas so far that I may do:

1)  Place the boost circuit between the treble pot and volume pot.

2)  Convert the buffer circuit at the end into the boost circuit.

3)  Or place the boost circuit between right before the buffer circuit and after the volume pot.




 I'd look for a place to put a stamp sized perfboard or other tight layout inside the Electro box.
  Then decide if you want it before or after the OD circuit, in the middle might be possible.
  If the tone control feeds the volume control, the wire that connects the two might be a good 'splice in' point for a Jfet on the output.
  Finding a splice-in point on the input side...if you can...might be trickier to get inside the effect switching, it's probably a wire outside the bypass, then to the board where it's all teeny components and traces until it spits something offboard [such as to a control pot]. I haven't looked, could be missing something.
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Thanks!  I did have an idea of building a small perf board with the boost circuit on it.  I was going to place in near the battery compartment.  There seems to be some room there.

On the schematic, the tone controls do feed the volume control.  That seemed to be the most obvious place, from the books and schematics I have been reading.  But of course its good to hear from the experts.



  I'm no expert on D-E mods, except to say they don't lend themselves to modding, afaik, stock at least.
  I would think the OD already has sufficient output, and that you may need to tame that down in order for the Jfet input to accomodate the signal.
  Perhaps put the board together and into a testjig, and try the preboost and postboost options first, pre-boost will make harder-edged distortion, perhaps post boost as a Jfet has merits, I've gotten some good sounds putting a 'hot-grind' signal into Jfet boosters, pushed hard like that a Mu amp seems to fit my needs.
  The desire for increased knob options may prove strong, whether new knobs can be added of course is another matter.
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