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fab tone

Started by adam_f, August 01, 2009, 06:22:55 AM

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I've found this schematic for a danelectro fab tone:
I'm interested in either building one, or possibly rehousing a bought one. I've just got a couple of questions about the schematic - I notice it's using a 4013 flipflop to switch it on and off - how could I modify the circuit to use standard true bypass switching? I'm not really sure when the input or output from the flipflop is, or how it works really.

Also the schematic has a 2SC1815 transistor and a C1815GR transistor. Is there much difference between these two?

Thanks in advance, any help will be much appreciated!




I think they are equivalents, just different brands.


sean k

From C4 to VR2 is your basic circuit, without the buffers and in/out switching, so just pop a 1-2.2M resitor to ground before C4 and away you go. The transistors could be replaced with most any medium gain transistors, see Q4, as it's just a follower of sorts. You could lok at the true bypass tube screamer type articles which will tell you how to do what I'm saying in much greater detail.
Monkey see, monkey do.


thanks for the help guys!

is the 1-2.2M resistor to avoid popping when switching?

So if I was going to rehouse this pedal, could I literally wire in the input to C4 (plus the resistor), and the output from VR2 and ignore the rest of the circuit, or would I need to remove anything?