Bass Octave Up

Started by giantsteps, July 31, 2009, 08:19:33 PM

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Any ideas for an octave up pedal for bass (that results in the original pitch plus an octave up at the same time?)

Lots of stuff out there for 8vb pedals...what I'd like is something that if my bass player stomps on it will approximate him playing a unison line with a guitar player.

Would something like the Bobtavia work? Just with different values? Or should I try another approach?




All of the Octave up's that are well documented stompbox projects are real dirty sounding, and only take on an octave up character when played up on the neck, down low they usually just sound like some interesting fuzz.

Just an idea, but for that effect (bass and guitar unison, from a bass) it works out well to use an octave down, and play the part up high on the neck, because the higher octave is going to be more noticable than the low, so if that one is the real instrument the effect will be more convincing than vice versa.  Plus the octave down will track better from the bass being played up the neck.

In my gallery there's a schematic for a stripped down version of the boss OC-2, that would do the trick, if you're interested.


Thanks for the bass player already uses an octave down pedal, but his sound doesn't have "guitarish" bite when he plays higher on the neck....

I'm not looking for a clean octave fact, I'd rather it be a nasty fuzz with an octave...any ideas?

Mark Hammer

Either way, I suggest that you filter the bejeezus out of the signal being doubled or else you're going to get frizz up the wazoo.


 Nasty octave up fuzz for bass- brassmaster!

A properly tuned Big Muff will do the trick for bass too, use the noise gate mod and spend a week monkeying with the caps and tonestack, testing it with nothing but bass.
I am not responsible for your imagination.