finished project (almost)

Started by bigchasbroon, August 15, 2009, 08:21:09 AM

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Hello everyone I just wanted to say thank you. I am so full of love and joy. I just plugged in my delay pedal and it worked. I used the rebote 2.5 layout from tonepad, its the first pedal i have built from scratch using press'n'peel to make my own board etc. And its quite a buzz to plug it in and its working working working(get it?). anyway i feel like a wee boy thats just done his first pee in a potty. i havent got it in a box yet but heres a pic


Congratulations on your build. And it worked first time? Thats unheard of, your a natural.

R O Tiree

It's a heady feeling, isn't it? Nice one! fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


R O Tiree

Very cool looking enclosure, there, Chas. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


Loving the graphics; very cool.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


You know, the way your first build goes has a big impact on your future in building pedals, IMO. My first build, a 4MS Panneur on "cardboard PCB" didn't work, and it made me put away my soldering iron and not pick it up for 4 years.

I'm super impressed that you etch your own PCB, and made your own graphics and the circuit worked, on all on your first go. Congrats!


Its not actually my first build it is the first that i have done from etching right through. my other builds were a BYOC kit and a tubescreamer using the tonepad board.

Thank you for your kind comments. Next is a compressor I think. My EHX soul preacher has mysteriously dissapered  >:( causing me much anguish