Very New at this... Brassmaster Clone questions.

Started by jlaugh87, August 16, 2009, 05:21:57 PM

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I know this is going to be a very basic/dumb question... I am trying to build a clone of the Brassmaster (GGG schematic and parts list).  Anyways it used to be that one of the pots was a trim pot and just fit right into the board.  In my parts kit it got a 10k linear pot.  I guess what I am trying to ask is what do the pins on the pot mean.  They provide a wiring diagram on general guitar gadgets site, but it looks as though the pot in the diagram is a trim pot. 

Any help with this would be appreciated


Without seeing the schematic:
Well, sounds like they just made it externally mounted instead of board mounted. Run wires from where the trimpot would go to the exact same legs on the external pot provided. As long as you put the middle wire to to the middle lug of the pot, either side will work for the other wire connections.... you can always swap them if they're wrong.
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy