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LM741 circuits?

Started by humptydumpty, August 18, 2009, 02:52:30 AM

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I plan to mod it... I have a Fasel inductor, I'll swap it with the original, and perhaps I'll make the Q mod or the range selection mod. Or... I also made a Maestro Boomerang clone, if I manage to control the 2 circuits with one pot, I can make it switchable with the Crybaby :icon_cool:


thats cool man

yeah i bought the gcb-95 and got the classic, red fasel
paid 69.99 for it too

it was still too harsh, i did the "easy range adjustment" mod and its great no harshness, only other mod im planning on doing is the vocal mod


The original Electro Harmonix Pulsar  (with the two verticle knobs, and yellow box with black block lettering as seen on discofreq's site) used the LM741 chip. I have built one but still have not debugged it. The original schematic is floating around on the net somewhere. There is a tonepad (from out there, too, but it uses the TL082 dual op-amp so I had to modify the layout a little because I'm using the LM741. I wish they had the original LM741 tonepad availible because then I know where my mistakes are!
