More bass/bottom on Dr. Boogey?

Started by had_hc, August 08, 2009, 12:21:07 AM

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Hi, built Dr. Boogie and loving it! ;D ;D ;D

However, what should i do to add more bass/bottom to it? would raising the cahtode bypass cap (those 1uf) add more bottom to it? or raising those coupling caps (22nf) do it? or am i on the wrong theory  here? i base it on my tube amp circuitry knowledge here.

and another thin is the presence control. i feel somehow like its not responsive at all. what can i do to make it more responsive? what does a presence knob supposed to do anyway?

thanks in advance!

John Lyons

On a lower gain amp the "cathode" bypass caps would help with the bass but in this pedal
it will get sloppy fast! The DB has too much treble I think. How does yours seond with the treble and mids
rolled off a bit? Kind of thinking backwards. Taking away some of the top to bring out the low end.

The presence is subtle. If you roll out the treble you can hear the pres knob better. It's there and working
just that the treble knob is a lot more sensitive to changes in the rotation.

Basic Audio Pedals


i usually lower the gain at about 2 - 3 when playing loud, its gives the low notes more punch since the low freqs get a lil clipping only [due to the volume treble bleed cap]... lower gain but its still metal-sounding playing loud.

using a 7band eq after the db also helps... if you have one of if the amp has one.
Look at it this way- everyone rags on air guitar here because everyone can play guitar.  If we were on a lawn mower forum, air guitar would be okay and they would ridicule air mowing.


Hey guys... with my guitar DB is quite bassy... i have a Ibanez SA120 with SD pickups (SD Distorsion )

Best regards,


i managed to add more some bottom by changing the volume pot from 100k to 500k. the downside would be less output volume from before which is fine for me coz i never reached even halfway (12 o'clock) with 100k volume pot.


What I do is put an equalizer behind it like a GE-7 or similar so you don't make your distortion muddier !

Works for me.
