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Phaser build tips

Started by lerxst88, September 15, 2009, 11:40:05 PM

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First off Alex Lifeson has the greatest phaser sounds in the world!!!! (1974-1977)

I bought a byoc phaser kit (based off the script logo phase 90 with discrete opamps) and I intend to add a bunch of switches and knobs (univibe mod, phase 45 mod, feedback knob, etc...) and I want this thing to be my end all be all phaser love of my life as far as tones and variety.

I did a bit of research on alex lifeson's phaserof choice and apparently he used a maestro oberheim ps-1 which is a six stage phaser (phase 90 is only 4). well that sucks i already ordered the kit and its being shipped. i compared the schematics and even though the ps-1 has two more phase stages, the stages themselves are nearly identical in terms of part layout while the values are quite different.

So I ask you: What would make the bigger difference? number of stages or part values in those stages?

Also any other mods you guys think would be worthwile to throw into this thing?


Mark Hammer

In FET-based phasers, several things make the difference between a pleasing sound and an "also ran".

1) Matching of FETs results in a smoother and more musical "turnaround" in the sweep.  It's not the going up and going down, but how it changes direction that makes all the difference.

2) It's not just the number of notches, but the location of the notches in the spectrum.  Situating them lower gets you a more gargly sound, while situating them higher gets you a more swooshy sound.  Six stages is not necessarily dramatically more "dramatic" than 4 stages.


Cool ! , I always wondered what that was ( I presume it's the same thing Geddy Lee uses near the end of 'La villa strangiata'. whatever).
have'nt heard it for years.
Yeah, I was thinking that the width of the notches would attribute to the effect more than anything - There's plenty of 4 stage phasers that sound quite different (though I would love a Moog 12 !)


yeah thats probably the one! also geddy used it on the necromancer and bytor and the snow dog with a distorion pedal

so these "notches"....what affects these?