Some layouts for tl072/4558 dual op amp types.

Started by Crazyyellowfox, September 22, 2009, 03:51:29 AM

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I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here with this topic, but I finally got around to building this thing and
I'm amazed at how good a three-transistor op amp can sound. I wanted something a little cleaner than
my poorly perfboarded version of this, so I drew up some layouts. One for each section of a dual op amp.
You might be able to squeeze both into a single dual op amp socket, but it'll take some cramming. The "A"
section is a little more compact than the "B" section. I made the "B" layout as well because I have some
older boxes that I perfboarded using the B side of a dually that I'd like to play around with.

Something I found tinkering a bit... low gain PNPs sound really good with a high gain NPN output transistor.


I realized an error that I corrected. Not with the layout but with the labelling of
the inverting and non-inverting inputs on the B-side board. Also. Some folks
might notice a few resistor locations that are especially tight. Either standing
the resistors on end or using 1/8watt resistors solves this.


One more fix: I had the transistors positioned backwards on the A layout. They're correct now.