vanishing point

Started by dubiousss, November 15, 2009, 05:31:36 AM

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so i just breadboarded the vanishing point, got the led's ticking, but the slowest setting takes about 3 seconds to circle the 10 led's, is there a way to get it slower? also is there a way to get it to circle by taping a switch?


I guess you could try increasing the cap in the clock section...
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.


yeah that did it, but still have to find a way to make it cycle from a switch


I haven't looked at the schematic in a long time but I think if you install a switch that breaks or closes the connection betwee nthe 4017's reset pin and whatever else (probably the 9'th count pin) then you should get what you need.
{DIY blog}


well that sets it back to the start of the cycle but i want to be able to go through the led's one by one


ok so new problem, I got it all boxed up and working except when i decrease one of the pots in sequence mode it makes the next pot shorter in time. so its like a da da di da when the second da is this because when theres less power being drawn from the 4017 the speed changes? or could it be becaise i wired the leds after the pots( i dont see how led-resistor order makes a dif)