Rebote Delay 2.5 mods?

Started by zer0_c00l, November 08, 2009, 11:01:49 AM

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Hey, I built a Rebote Delay 2.5 and it seems to work just fine, but for me i think it has very low volume on the repeats, I hardly hear them and i also think it has a little range of repeats (I'm using a 10K pot just for testing because i dont have a 20k one)

What are the components I should change to get a bit more volume on the repeats?


The official PDF on the Tonepad site tells you which component affects the repeats.
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Lower the 33k to get louder repeats. I've gone as low as 10k, but anything close to 20k seems to be a good balance.

As mentioned in the tonepad schem, you can lower the 15k in the feedback loop to get more repeats. If runaway repeats are your bag lower it to around 10k. You can also lower the .1uf cap in series with this resistor to filter the low frequencies out of each successive repeat (or put different cap values on a switch to have different amounts of filtering).


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Thanks guys, now I understood what should I do =D