Weird problem in a TS808, help needed

Started by jkokura, November 20, 2009, 07:45:16 PM

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Alrighty. So my Tonepad TS is done, in the enclosure, yadda yadda, but it's not working. Not in bypass, not engaged, no LED. So I unmount the in and out jacks and power jack, plug in a battery, and the LED comes on (haven't tried it with an amp and guitar yet). So I start putting things back in - Still lit when the power jack is in, still lit when the out jack goes in, but as soon as I put the in jack in the enclosure the LED stops lighting.

So what does that mean? I don't know what pictures I could take that would help describe this.

My little knowledge makes me think it's grounding somehow when the jack is in, but I don't know why or how to fix that. Also, I've checked all the continuity on the wiring and it all seems fine.



So what does that mean?
  Means you should cause the condition [without battery plugged in is preferred] and find out if the +/- of the supply is shorting.
  Suspect a wire or miswire, the DC switch in the input jack wiring...
  Battery - goes to jack ring lug, through the plug sleeve, to the jack sleeve/box.
  If you got DC jack w/switching there...hard to word everything, but the schematic shows the wiring and the art often shows a switch wiper which opens [so the battery disconnects] when a DC plug is inserted.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Pete, thanks for the help, but I'm new to this stuff so if you don't mind I'd like it if you can tell me how to "find out if the +/- of the supply is shorting."

As far as I can tell, my wiring is fine. I have other pedals with the same wiring, same jacks and they're working fine.

It's weird. Somehow putting the input jack into the enclosure makes it so the pedal doesn't work, but leaving it out at least lets the led light up. Haven't tried it on an amp yet. Hopefully in the next couple days I'll be getting a little practice amp to use in my workspace. My giant tube amp is just so impractical for testing these pedals.