rangemaster pcb - positive ground to negative ground

Started by jg24, November 30, 2009, 10:06:42 AM

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Looking for a bit of help.  I got a pcb from musikding to build a dallas rangemaster clone without realising the circuit's been altered to negative ground.  As it uses a PNP transistor and I'm just using a battery to power it I'd prefer to have positive ground like the original.  I'm a bit uncertain what changes I need to make to achieve this though.
Here are the links to the original schematic and pcb layout:

Am I on the right lines with the following?

The polarity protection diode is an extra I thought worth adding.  Don't ask me what R7 is for - it's not included in the pcb I've got.


Sorry - R7 is on the board (now I'm home and can look at it again)... although it should be labelled R6.  It's a second 1m to stop pops when turning on and off I guess.


Realised I had that first attempt very wrong after thinking about it properly :icon_redface: Just to try and avoid looking too stupid here's what I think is a correct attempt and which I'll be trying  :icon_razz: