BC549 Transistor

Started by svirfnebli, November 30, 2009, 11:57:54 AM

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Hey All,

I'm working on a replica of the Wal Bass Pre-amp, and i've become a little stuck on some transistors on the board. There is four BC549 transistors made by Fairchild Semi Conductor on the pre-amp. I've hooked up my PEAK transistor tester and they all read between 420 and 450 hfe. I started looking for the transistors and I noticed that there seems to be several version.. Version A, B, and C.

The only other markings on the transistors are what look like "0208" or possibly "020B"

Does anyone care to help me figure out which one it might be?



> they all read between 420 and 450 hfe.

Buy B or C sort. It is unlikely to be critical, though the A-sort may not bias so well.


I figured the B would be about right.. Thanks a million!