EH Frequency Analyzer repair worth it?

Started by Ry, January 22, 2010, 05:46:51 PM

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I got a dead Frequency Analyzer in the mail today.  The internal power transformer is dead (among a few other obviously desoldered wires and broken pot shafts).  Is it worth building a bipolar supply for this beast or should I just put the board in the junk heap and use the enclosure for something else?  I built a Maestro Ring Modulator years ago that has a permanent spot on my pedal board and I now wonder if it will be worth my time to salvage this thing.  Soundwise, is it that different of a beast from the Maestro?



You should either fix it or sell it to me.

I've used the Stancor P-8600 to replace the transformer in those.  I think it's well worth fixing.

Ron Neely II
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I may throw together a bipolar power supply and see what else is wrong with it.  Alternately, make me an offer.  I have far more projects than time...