automatic on-off wiggler using timer oscillator

Started by madstringbean, December 01, 2009, 09:32:24 PM

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I want to know how to use an oscillator... i would assume something made with a timer chip... to switch a circuit onoffonoff or to wiggle back and forth between two signal sources.  I would also like to build in a way to be able to control how fast it oscillates.

I know it's possible, I'm just having trouble finding anything about how to do it online, i guess because I don't know how best to describe it!  If you know what I mean and could just point me towards a site about it or a schematic, that would be amazing!



You could use a 4017 to activate a transistor switch maybe :) This way, you could sequence through 10 outputs. I'm using the same principle in a project I'm putting together to switch feedback locations for a multi-channel delay--for me, it should save the space and cost of a rotary switch--replaced w/ a pushbutton and some LEDs.

Don't hold me to it though, since i haven't actually taken the principle from paper to breadboard yet :-P
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