NPN Fuzz Face question(s)

Started by Morocotopo, December 19, 2009, 11:18:43 AM

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Hi guys, I have a NPN Fuzz Face in my breadboard (negative ground), experimenting with it some. I´ve read somewhere that to stabilize the Ge trannies bias with respect to temperature changes, you put a diode like this:

But most articles assume that the circuit is a PNP trannies one, with positive ground. The question is: Does this works the same with NPN ones? or should I reverse the diode? I´m a bit confused...

Oh, another thing, I´m considering adding a tone control, because with my Fender-type DIY amp, it´s brighter than hell... which tone control schem would you suggest ( I want a tone pot, that is, a variable one, not just a cap change)?



