Octavia question about the output diodes

Started by Exactopposite, December 28, 2009, 09:04:06 PM

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Is it a big deal if the diodes at the output of a Tycobrahe Octavia are silicon instead of germanium? I'm building one and i broke of of the glass germanium diodes. Since that one was screwed I put in 2 1n4001 silicon diodes. I'm not done with the build yet though, so I'm not able to test the sound of it.
I'm pretty sure in theory there is no reason why it shouldn't be able to work with silicon diodes, but does it have a real affect on the sound?


> Is it a big deal

It's a small deal. The effect will be different. It may not make small sounds, only big ones.

Go ahead with the Si but put some Ge diodes on your next order.


Thanks for the response. I appreciate the info.


...Having built a handful of Octavia / clones, the Ge Diodes do make s difference. 
To my ears, the octave effect is much more pleasant (and easier to pick out) with Germaniums.

It's all to do with the cut off / forward voltage levels - I think...
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