Binson Echorec 2: Need to figure out specs for choke replacement

Started by Anchorman, July 14, 2009, 04:28:27 PM

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Quote from: Mick Bailey on August 05, 2009, 07:49:02 AM
Where are you taking the reading for the voltage?
Oh, sorry for not being clearer  :icon_redface:

I read the voltage on the wires coming immediately out from the transformer. It is centre tapped, and I read like 15-20V (EDIT: to ground) on each of the two leads. I tried to disconnect one of them, and it still gave the same value. Before I installed the resistor, I read 120-130V on each of the leads.
Quote from: Lurco on August 05, 2009, 12:29:16 PM
Quote from: Anchorman on August 04, 2009, 06:30:55 PM
Okay, I have replaced the choke with a 5W resistor, , making it an RC-filter instead of LC-filter. What's strange though, is that before I replaced the choke the transformer output voltage was around 250V , now I read 30-40V between them. What might explain this? Cheers!

you write: "5W". Q: what value of resistance? You write: "30-40V between them". Q:  between what?

Value was 4.7K, because I think that would provide about the same filtering as the choke, RC-filter instead of LC-filter. 30-40V between the two leads coming out from the transformer. It should read ~250V between them.

Thanks for your time!


I'm reviving my old thread since I still can't figure this out  :icon_confused:
I replaced the choke with a 180ohm resistor (choke supposedly was 200ohm). The problem right now is I read very low voltage (3-7V to ground) on the output (+) of the rectifier (going to the first capacitor). There's supposed to be ca 250V. When I disconnected the plus-side of the rectifier from the rest of the circuit, I read 210V (to ground) at the rectifier output (plus-side), so it's a little off but still high (in contrary to 3-7V when the rest of the circuit is connected). Might this be because of a short to ground somewhere? I read very high resistances to ground everywhere in the power supply so this doesn't seem likely  ???  What may cause this drop of voltage? If anyone has any idea it will be much appreciated! Cheers  ;)

You can see the power supply down left here. The rectifier is immediately after the transformer.