Any suggested uses for some Silicone NPNs?

Started by Wasted_Bassist, December 26, 2009, 11:46:34 PM

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I've removed about 15 STS5343 transistors (Silicone NPNs) from a VCR. I was wondering if anyone has a schematic or two that calls for generic NPN trannies. I'd like to find a use for them. If they don't sound great, worst case scenario, I waste a few passive components.

sean k

Get the pinouts then put some leads on the length of "leg" remaining and test the hfe 's on your multi meter then find projects that'll suit. Depend on the characteristics of them really. Hopefully they are low noise and audio otherwise they may be noisey and amplify best in a bandwidth outside hearing.
Monkey see, monkey do.


you could whip up a si fuzz face in a jiffy, use sockets for the transistors and find 2 transistors you like. the ' easy face'  would  be a good start. or build a bazz fuss for bass.
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!