Fender Blender problems

Started by trjones1, March 29, 2009, 05:35:21 PM

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I've built the Fender Blender from the schematic and layout from Fuzz Central: http://fuzzcentral.ssguitar.com/blender.php.  Transistors are 2n5088's.  No other substitutions.  It sounded great and was really cool... for about 2 days.  Overnight it lost its tone.  When the tone boost switch is connected to the wiper of the tone control, the sound is muffled and quiet.  With the switch in the other position, the sound is normal.  Here are the voltages on the transistors:

c 4.44
b .66
e .13

c 8.69
b 4.44
e 3.9

c 5.75
b 3.17
e 2.86

c 2.5
b 1.08
e .5

c 4.75
b .89
e .32

There is barely any signal going into the base of q5.  Not sure if that is a hint at the problem. 

Any thoughts on what could be wrong would be much appreciated.  This thing was a monster before this problem.  Lots of cool synthy tones in it.


Never mind.  Turned out to be a broken tone pot.


I'm new in effects building. I've done most of soldering work on my Blender clone, but I have some problems with output. To be correct, i can't find the output on this layout.  :icon_redface: 
Please, help me!


Schematic and web page:


To the far right on the schematics is the Blend pot/100k.
The outer lugs of this pot goes to pcb pads marked 10 and 11.
Blend pot middle lug is the output coupled through a .1u cap.


It means that i must solder one leg of .1uF capacitor to middle lug of pot and the other leg will be the output? :icon_confused:
