which fuzz circuit to try with some low gain ac128 ??

Started by fatgaz, January 25, 2010, 08:13:21 AM

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Hi Peeps,

I just got 4 ac128 Ge transistors and measured them using RG Keens advice on the 'tech of the fuzz face' article at geo.
So...  1 was very leaky, but three were ok with gains of about 50, 57 and 100.
What can I try building with these low gain devices ?  - would a fuzz-face like circuit work ?? 

IF so, which fuzz to try ?  I'm thinking of the circuit that's on the Keen article with the adjustment pots - i think its referred to as a 69 fuzz ?     
Are the more 'tweaky' fuzz circuits worth trying ?  there seem to be afew fuzz factory a-like curicuts about - that is, circuits with loads of pots to twiddle. 

cheers all,


PS, if i need highre gain devices, which is the best source for these as I'm in the uk ?