Suggestions for next project

Started by tcr77, January 21, 2010, 05:11:54 PM

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I'm loving my recently completed Red Llama clone, and now I've got the itch to build something else. I love the cranked AC30 sounds from this Englishman from Lovepedal:

Any suggestions for a pedal project that would get similar sounds? Having the three-way switch would be super cool, but not absolutely necessary. Any ready-to-solder PCB vendors you could recommend?


  You talkin' bout my amp... ???
  What is heard but not seen is where I suggest to look first.
  Pedal seemed to do well with 2 knobs and a 3way, good lookin' bloke.
  Runoff Groove Jfet project, English Channel.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


The English Channel from ROG is on my list of eventual builds. I have the PCB, but not the parts. It might be a good place to start.



Or check out the Wampler Cranked AC. You can buy a kit for this from Or you can get the schematic from that site, and somewhere there is a pcb for it. I have it if you do want it.


Thanks! I'm liking the sounds of the Wampler Cranked AC.

For those that recommended the English Channel, do you have any sound files of it really cranked up? The example on the ROG website is not that gainy, and I wondering how crunchy that pedal really gets.