Modding my Fuzzy face (HELP Please)

Started by boldaslove6789, January 31, 2010, 04:08:22 PM

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 Well to make it short:

 I am new to the forum, new to building pedals etc. I am grateful for this site and everybody on it.

Thanks DIY stompboxes!

Anyways, I built this fuzz face and now I want to put a bias pot to balance the transisters ( I think thats what it does) ???

Where do I put it?

Here's the layout I am using:
**Note: I am using a 470 resister instead of the 330 for the negative on the battery**
**Also the BCE leads have to be bent to adapt to this layout for Germs**


i usually leave the 33k alone. try a 10 k or 25 k trimpot in place of the 8.2k resistor, then dial your bias to -4.5v on q2 or to taste by ear.

i also like a 47 uf cap to ground and the mayer mod 2k instead of the1k fuzz pot. if you do this, you might need the 25k trim to get it to bias.

i am a fan of silicon in q1 and a gainy germanium in q2 as well. behaves nicely.
my life is a tribute to the the great men and women who held this country together when the world was in trouble. my debt cannot be repaid, but i will do my best.


  Can I use a 20k linear trim pot?


  Sure, put a 5k or 6k8 stop resistor [series with the pot], and have between 6k8 and 28k8 adjustability and good 'fine tune type sweep.
  These FF transistors generally bias at 6k8 - 18k thereabouts.
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