Negative/Positive Ground Effects Chain Question

Started by john.hostetter, February 11, 2010, 03:42:19 PM

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So I've read several helpful posts dealing with the perils of using a daisy chained power supply with both positive and negative ground pedals. BUT when I analyzed my effects chain (after my grounding education) I realized I have been using a negative ground power supply with an EA trem (neg ground), a Fender tuner pedal (neg ground) and a Fuzz Face clone (POS GROUND!). Everything seems to be working fine. Is my effects chain a ticking bomb? Have I somehow worked a miracle? Thanks for your reply.



If pedals are working and nothing burned, your chain is most probably OK, and probably your Fuzz Face is not positive ground.
When daisy-chaining positive and negative ground effects, you're in fact shorting the power supply, so usually something burns.



Cool, good to know. I'll look at it tonight and make sure it is negative ground. I built it from a BYOC kit but I could not find any indication of it's circuit ground. Thanks for your help!


By looking at the schematic you can tell easily if it is negative or positive ground. Just check where the sleeve of input/output jack are connected. If they are connected to +9v , it is positive ground. If they are connected to 0v, it is negative ground.