My Fuzz Face will not turn on?? Help !!!

Started by sdlogan9, February 08, 2010, 06:16:07 PM

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So I have buit a few kits here and had good luck with advice...  from members here..  maybe some one can help me with this problem

I have a Fulltone 69 Fuzz Face and when I plug in the guitar and click the on/off switch to passive to let the guitar signal go straight to the amp all is good!!!

here is where it goes bad...  when I try and engage the pedal the signal gets much weaker  (not working ) (no distortion) and the pedal light does not come on??  

Any ideas?


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Take a look first at the debugging thread (stickied in this forum)... the advice you will get here will start with the info there.


Well this is a general question..  I did not build this unit.  It is a fairly standard Fuzz Face..  and I am sure this is something very simple I just have not figured it out.  So if anyone can please give a basic diagnosis for the problem stated in the first post that would be fantastic...  If you really need to see a schematic for this issue then I will get a copy of of the fulltone 69 off the web somewhere..   

but this problem is something similar to  no fire or no fuel in a motor of your car.



So I have buit a few kits here and had good luck with advice...  from members here..  maybe some one can help me with this problem

I have a Fulltone 69 Fuzz Face and when I plug in the guitar and click the on/off switch to passive to let the guitar signal go straight to the amp all is good!!!

here is where it goes bad...  when I try and engage the pedal the signal gets much weaker  (not working ) (no distortion) and the pedal light does not come on??
  Sounds like there's no DC reaching the audio circuit.
  Or the LED switch circuit.
  What's the continuity between V+ [battery clip?] and the board V+?, same thing for the negative, one of the two [+ or - ] connects to grounds [jacksleeves when input has a mono plug in it].
  And the pole of the battery that connects to Q1 emitter wins the polarity contest, indicating whether it's a PNP Pos or NPN Neg gnd. circuit.
  At this point it's either fixed or to the fix finder: Debugging, without the required content, there's way too many blanks to equate much of anything beyond I/O doesn't O.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I'll bet it's just a bad battery snap, those things go bad once in a while from flexing.  See if you are getting any voltage from the wires to the battery.



Usually when my pedals have that symptom it's either bad wiring (likely) or a power feed issue (less likely, but still possible).

Is it under warranty? Don't void your warranty by opening it. See if you can contact Fulltone first. If they can't/won't help, by all means open it up and start the debugging thread. I don't see why it wouldn't apply here cause it's essentially the same kind of pedal we all build, just of commercial variety.
