Anybody ever forget what they were going to build?

Started by nosamiam, February 13, 2010, 09:01:09 PM

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I went to the local shop a couple of weeks ago, BOM in hand, and picked up everything I would need for my latest awesome project. Now I have time to build it and for the life of me, I can't remember what it was!!!

This ever happen to anyone else?


  Nope, never happenned to me, lol, thanks for sharing though !
  Have to start leaving post-it notes giving directions to the post-it notes that give directions...
  Had plenty of boards and even boxes though...made me say "whaddI put in that thing last time?" And plenty of other lapses of similar ilk, happens.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



13 years and another house later, I remembered why I bought that big spool of #8 wire.

Worked out fine: the cost of copper has gone up factor of 4 between then and now.


Quote from: PRR on February 13, 2010, 11:31:40 PM
13 years and another house later, I remembered why I bought that big spool of #8 wire.

Worked out fine: the cost of copper has gone up factor of 4 between then and now.

That is quite a long time, what was it for then?


nosamiam, yep I've done that, ordered a pile of digital logic chips for a non-pedal project, for the life of me could not figure out what they are for ... been through all my schematics, been through all my magazines ... can't find it ... maybe I'll be able to use them elsewhere. :-\
Nothing witty yet ...


Not quite the same thing but I use old medicine bottles and fill each with parts for pedals.  After a while without labeling the bottles I can't remember what project is in each bottle.  Thank goodness I quit smoking weed.  :)  LOL!!!

Quackzed i forget...
a few nights ago i sang "knocking on heavens door"at an open mic and remembered all the lyrics. :icon_mrgreen:..
but something didn't sound right...
turns out i was playing the chords to all along the watchtower ! the whole time!  :icon_redface:

nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Last week, I got a whiteboard so I wouldn't forget stuff anymore.

I forgot where I put it.


Has anyone come up with software where you could enter your entire parts inventory, then import a BOM, and have the inventory counts be automatically adjusted? I'd love something like that. I find myself buying parts 2 or 3 times, when I didn't need more, or the reverse - running out of something simple like a common value cap.

Mark Hammer

Never forgot what I was going to build, but I have a basket full of half-populated boards - perf and PCB -  that I have no idea what the hell they are.


Quote from: gmr1 on February 17, 2010, 09:04:00 AM
Has anyone come up with software where you could enter your entire parts inventory, then import a BOM, and have the inventory counts be automatically adjusted? I'd love something like that. I find myself buying parts 2 or 3 times, when I didn't need more, or the reverse - running out of something simple like a common value cap.

Eagle's bom.ulp is very good. I use it all the time for BOM updates.


Just the other day my flat mate said 'I can play guitar', got handed one and promptly forgot every single thing about guitar he knew. He reckons its one of the more embarrassing moments in his guitar playing career.
Looks like we're gonna need a bigger amp.

Just to "get to pitch" you need a trimmer. That's why guitars have knobs, and why xylophone makers have power grinders. - PRR


I make baggies with components for my builds. A half a year ago I made a baggie and forgot about it. Yesterday I found it. The only thing I wrote on the bag was TB. I had no idea what the hell it meant. After searching through printed pcb layouts I found one which I was 100% sure it was in the bag, but there was nothing written on the page. I still had no idea what pedal it was. I think I've been sitting for 2 hours thinking what it was. There was something that told me it has to do with the Burning Crunch by DSM noisemaker. Out of desperation i started searching for Burning Crunch on youtube and found one:
Can you imaginge how happy I was when the 3d video in the related video's was the Texas Brownie by DSM noisemaker!!! TB - Texas Brownie, dammit my brain!

Paul Marossy

Never happens to me. I become too obsessed with getting it done to forget about it.  :icon_redface:

For projects that I abandon later on, I make sure and mark my PCBs so that later I know what they are. Or if it's on perfboard, it goes into a plastic bag with markings on it identifying what it is.